People from the Nice countries are not going to immigrant to the undemocratic hellscape Trump and the Republicans want to create.

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I’m a paid subscriber. Yes, I want better media. I don’t appreciate 90% coverage of Trump and GOP domestic terrorists. Sorry not sorry.

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MTG and Boebert are both perfect examples of the republican party, among its leading ladies. I to pray for America to come to its senses and vote against every republican on a ballot

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Thank you, David, for reading and parsing the unreadable, so the rest of us don't have to, but TBH, it's a mug's game trying to make ANY sense of a tRump "position". He doesn't think in terms of typically rational processes, his brain acts as sort of a random-word generator untethered to the normal rules of logic, or even grammar.

But, you said it best that the upshot is simply winning the coming election, and he doesn't give a shit about abortion, other than needing to say SOMETHING, and you see the results.

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It's only Monday! More coffee please.

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