Thank you for sieving all this for us.

I plan to celebrate Memorial Day thinking about all the members of our family that have fought, and some died, to defend the values of this country. I will fly the American flag, and not let that symbol be co-opted by would be tyrants.

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Thank you Mary; I have never used the conjugation "sieving". And, the Memorial Day flag symbol. ' ... a way out of catastrophe.'

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More scheming, lying and criming.

I am with Mary above.

Memorial Day weekend is for

remembrance of all those

who, including my husband,

gave the ultimate sacrifice for

their country.

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The thing that bothers me most about Alito's "how he got there" is the way he created a presumption out of the whole cloth that then let him designate HIMSELF as the trier of fact.

And on trump's pronouncement about how he'll get Gershkovich freed: I can only assume that Putin sputtered his vodka or borsht or whatever all over his keyboard at that. How do you say in Russian "You don't control me, bub. I control YOU."

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Trump is probably correct re Gershkovich. The problem if he is is the price the US will pay during another Trump administration: being Russia’s (to coin a phrase) running dog lackey.

Also, a kvetch: can’t pin everything bad about the GOP on being the Party of Trump. They’ve been eroding democracy at least since Gingrich ca. 1994. They’ve been xenophobic and racist for long before that. Their strength in doing so has been increased as a result of the DNC backing away from being the party of FDR and more something less offensive to business interests—this under Bill Clinton and the DLC. Of course, not every problem worsens by being ignored. But the GOP-fueled decline of the nation isn’t one of those.

Meanwhile, making it a Trump thing and not a GOP thing strengthens him…

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"We will be paying nothing." If there's one thing we can be sure of, you don't get anything for nothing with Putin.

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