Jasmine Crockett is a National Treasure.

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“Looks like our government secrets in the shitter to me!”

Yes, she is a jewel. Almost makes me want to move to Texas to be in her district.

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Article Ii Sec. 1/Constitution

Requires the new President to take the Oath.

Presidential Oath

I do solemly swear (or affirm)

that I will faithfully execute

the office of the president of

President of the United

States and to the best of my

ability preserve, protect and

defend the Constitution of

the United States.

"Preserve, protect and defend" mean you, on the

very basic level, support the

Constitution, this country and

its peoples.

If you're "preserving" an item,

aren't you realistically supporting, by any means,

the safety of that item? Like the preservation of the original Constitution and Declaration?

I frankly don't believe the Founders, when they drew

up the Presidential Oath,

Imbued it as a "get out of

jail free" card for someone

who abuses the oath and

the office.

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tRump is NOT an "officer" per §3...as Roger Parloff notes, that determination by SCOTUS would end all attempts to remove the gangster from state ballots. regardless of his status as an "insurrectionist". But, would this finding get five votes? A very weak argument, to be sure, but is it enough of an argument to provide an off-ramp to the conservative majority not willing to get into the insurrection finding-of-fact component of both Colorado and Maine actions?

I imagine an indication of which way the wind is blowing is what the Court requests as "briefing" issues, and to gauge how much support - if any -the "officer" question may have amongst the justices. Frankly, that's the coward's way out, but this is the Roberts Court, and previous decisions hardly demonstrate judicial courage.

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