Dear General Kelly,

Too little, too late, too wimpy. But thanks anyway.

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He, and Gen. Milley, are prolly worried about being hauled into a military tribunal by tRump's DoD if the latter is elected...if I were them, I certainly wouldn't discount that possibility. Now added to tRump's growing list of "the enemy within".

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Oct 23Liked by David Kurtz

It's Ok that Kelly is late. As short as the attention span is of most Americans and the fact that a lot of people don't focus on elections until the last minute, I think it's Ok that Kelly is saying what he is, this late. Along with his interview(s) the article in The Atlantic is great and even more damning I think because someone (Jeffrey Goldberg) finally put together a list of the disparaging things trump has said of people and norms in the military. Easy to read and follow, even for the most challenged. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2024/10/trump-military-generals-hitler/680327/

Thanks David, as always. You provide a much needed service and we appreciate you.

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I hope you know, David, that all of us who have turned off the NYT cannot read any of your NYT links since a screen comes up telling us we have to subscribe again to do so.

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Probably not as important to read a particular article as it is to let the NYT there is interest in it by clicking on a link to it. Particularly from David's Substack.

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Average voter's response to the Kelly revelations: "But eggs at $6 a dozen!!"

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Average voter's response to tRump's "$60,000 to bury a fucking Mexican?" comment: "But the border!"

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The military has a strong tradition of trying to be apolitical (not always successfully). That two top generals are concerned enough to speak out should be headline news. Should be….

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Like the generals’ comments will change anything to any degree that matters.

A nation gets the kind of government the elite wants. Our elite wants a fascist state and were most likely somewhere past the point where it’s inevitable. So Miley and Kelly speaking out now doesn’t even rise to the level of much too little much too late. Sorry.

The real tragedy here is that we’re one of the few nations where we the people could do anything about it and far too many of us have chosen for years to do anything to keep us from this point. In our limited defense is that the upper levels of the Democrats since Clinton’s rise have been by and by enablers.

But too, I offer a crumb of hopium FWIW: my theory has been for awhile that support for Trump in polls is overstated in responses — having supported him once, they don’t want to show any reversal in support. Meanwhile, Kamala supporters are still suffering from the trauma when Biden was in the race and choose not to be hopeful in their responses.

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Legal Principals and Aileen

Cannon? You're joking. She

has none. She needs to be

relegated to the smallest

court on the edge of

Everglades, hearing traffic

and poaching citations.

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Cannon should not be a judge. Period.

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"I don’t know how much credence to give any work product of the Trump II transition operation here in October, but for your awareness ABC News has gotten ahold of a personnel roster titled “Transition Planning: Legal Principals” that lists U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon – who famously dismissed Trump’s Mar-a-Lago classified documents indictment – second among nearly a dozen potential candidates for attorney general."

Are you shitting me? This is as brazzen as brazzen gets.

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I guess AG will be Cannon's holding pattern while waiting for a seat to open up on the Supreme court

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Failing that, pool girl at Mar-a-Lago

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Eff him. Far too little far too late. He should've resigned and made this public the day it happened. Worthless underpants skid mark.

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