Mr. Wesimann, people have already been killed because of tangeranus. Not just the J6 police, but at least half a million or more because of being told they can drink bleach or shine light up their ass or take horse dewormer instead of getting vaccinated.

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Every other profession has Standards of Ethics with professionals subject to legal standards when executing their duties--everyone EXCEPT MAGAts in government, apparently. Here we have a coterie of right-wing FASCISTS who seek to damage this country by ABUSING THE POWER OF THEIR OFFICE, NEGLECTING THEIR DUTIES, and deliberately OBSTRUCTING operations. MALPRACTICE with CRIMINAL, FASCIST INTENT by people who initiated their agenda of chaos by falsely swearing an oath to protect this country. Hell! They use their office to rake in profits through BRIBES AND INSIDER TRADING. They answer to their neonazi, fascist billionaires who feed them handouts in exchange for undermining the Constitution. And in return? They pass windfall tax relief for these billionaires and legalize a fascist avenue for even more corruption: Citizens United.

“I know not what course others may take, but as for me, Give me Liberty or give me death.”

Government by MAGAt fascism is a tyranny.

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Your Cassidy link is on Facebook? Who still goes to that dinosaur of social media for news? Please don’t make me log in to that bad news site to view your talking points.

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When the world goes mad, you gotta love folks like Fetterman and Hoochie Cootchie man Blinken! Why can’t they run the world, with Raskin, Schiff and a few others? Then I could get some sleep at night.

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