Expand the court. 13 justices, vigorous ethics code that is enforceable, 10 year terms w/ rotation in/out of Appeals courts. Need to win the election to do this.

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Thank you for focusing on the court. That, Project 2025 and Trump past, present and future is what everyone needs to focus on. Not one man’s age.

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Jul 8Liked by David Kurtz

Thank you David for your steady guidance during these crazy times.

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The feeding frenzy is being

fed by MSM and their

anonymous sources. Shades

of 2016 all over again, though

the danger of 2025 has

increased the destruction of

our country even more.

Trump's learned a lot and

SCOTUS gave him a crown.

The goal we should all be

looking at and moving

forward to is: BEAT TRUMP!

Not one step back! That's the

only way we'll win.

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This past week makes me feel like Ron Perlman in that meme "This makes me feel like I'm taking crazy pills!"

Watching the entire leadership of the Democratic Party - in words and actions taken and not taken - over this past week is profoundly disappointing and simultaneously enraging. I hate the thought that we are living through what Lincoln spoke of in the Lyceum Speech, regarding how Republics die.

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Just for the record, the Roberts court’s lawless decisions didn’t start with Dobbs. Goes back at least to 2013 and Shelby County.

Prior to that was the classic Bush v Gore.

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Also related: Project 2025 kills NOAA

The fact we aren’t focused on the Trump SCOTUS decision is incomprehensible to me. Your description of why makes sense and I wish it didn’t.

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The only people with hundreds of millions of dollars in their campaign funds are the Biden-Harris campaign. The only campaign that has hundreds of field offices is the Biden-Harris campaign. Therefore it is one or the other of them. Period.

I would tend to think if Harris is running, then she needs the incumbency also. No one in grassroots seems to be saying more than whoever is on the ballot, they will vote for. And I think the same for the current holder of the presidency. It’s a cruel thing they’re all doing to the best president since FDR.

And yes, all this in the same week that the Supreme Court has openly displayed its malevolent intentions. The press should re reporting on that and Project 2025, and Democrats should be focusing on that. I know the recent spasm of uncertainty is the deep existential fear about those two things and the Trump candidacy. Still.

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I gotta say, Biden would be winning this argument effectively if he was talking about the Supreme Court and Project 2025, and I think he should have pivoted to it much more quickly. I can't blame him or the people around him for feeling defensive but the way he's defending himself isn't working.

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Good morning, David, and a depressing intro into what will be yet another depressing week of "Will he, or won't he?" speculation, founded or unfounded. Scotus' "We indeed have a king" opinion in *tRump v US* will only come into play if we the voters fail to defeat tRump in November, and that putative failure will only come about with Joe Biden atop the ticket, sad to say. "Anyone but Biden" in the person of Kamala Harris seems the only solution, but will the party leadership see it through?

MAL trial [sigh]...tRump isn't "seeking a delay", he's already booked months of trial suspension, as *Judge* Cannon continues to either solicit motions from the tRump team, or puts her own "concerns" forward, necessitating yet more tedious hearings, leading to yet more pending decisions as motion after motion pile up upon her calendar. No trial date, no justice, bottom line.

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