Thanks David. Yesterday was a hell of a day and Hur needs

to find another job, along with M. Garland. But, it's the

weekend and definitely a

mental health needed break

for many of us. See you Monday.

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Feb 9Liked by David Kurtz

Nice description of the day. I agree with Bren in that attempts to play fair regarding the special prosecutor did Biden no good, especially since we can’t expect the same consideration in return.

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Feb 9Liked by David Kurtz

The times that try men's souls...A-bloody-men!

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Feb 10Liked by David Kurtz

That was a really well-written, honest, and cogent description of what happened yesterday… and painful but clear perspective of where we are as a nation… Supreme Court, the Constitution, elections, citizens.. it’s all on a razor’s edge and the anxiety is warranted.

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thanks, David, your tone was a bit bracing and also not panicked. much needed. much obliged.

the bloodthirsty mob of WH correspondents last night was sickening.

I think we need to refute the hysteria we're being urged into with calm assertions like "they're both old. one is decent, the other is evil." and if we can't help responding to a troll, do it with #BidenExonerated (Mueller She Wrote's idea).

the age thing won't go away, so no point in ducking it. but sticking to "yes, they're both old" is good, but only if delivered as a "sun rises in the east" way. when we get balled up in the fake controversy, we give it oxygen. ignoring it doesn't work bc the age thing is real. so we just stand our ground and say yes, they are old [shrug].

it's just unfortunate that the political press has their knickers in a twist bc they smell blood, they're bored with Biden, and they miss Trump. they're high on the list of all the things that should help protect the republic but instead are aiding the radicals who want to torch it bc they're more interested in clicks 'n' giggles than the future of America and the world.

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I hate to say it, but it might be time to stop appointing Republicans as special prosecutors when it’s in our power. They clearly need red meat to feed to their bosses and pervert the system as they comply.

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Can't figure out why you hate to say it, because I think we have only had Republican special prosecutors and fbi heads cause the Democrats always want to be 'fair'. Repugs only want to win.

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Democrats have to stop bringing a nice cheese plate to the gunfight.

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Is there any possibility that the Justices, prior to argument, negotiated an agreement among themselves to take an off-ramp on the DQ issue, on a unified basis, but also to deny cert (or at least a stay) on the immunity appeal, so that the trial clock in Judge Chutkan's court could restart? Such a deal would offer the prospect of a trial and possible conviction prior to election. -- and the hope of thereby avoiding the danger of a 1/6/25 debacle which this decision would otherwise leave wide open. I have no idea if those sorts of negotiations happen among the Justices, but it would explain the apparent unanimity and relative comfort they seem to have in bouncing the CO decision.

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You nailed it!

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Just hoping someone who knows whether these sorts of deals can happen will enlighten us. I am just guessing/hoping about it.

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"In his report, Hur rightly distinguished Biden’s conduct from Trump’s in the Mar-a-Lago case but took gratuitous swipes at Biden and his memory, cognition, and age. The political press lapped it up."

And that is all you have to say about the most egregiously partisan hit job since Comey went after Hillary?

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And so we soldier on. Because we must.

Indeed we must. I wrote a book, "I Will Run wild" about the six months of the Pacific War from Pearl Harbor to the Battle of Midway. It is a dark, dark period of history, but what I was able to write about were the people who - despite everything - stood up and did the things that had to be done that eventually turned things around. I had the privilege of knowing Dick Best, the man who sank the Japanese carrier Akagi at Midway, who fought all through those dark months from December 7 on. I once asked him how they got through it, he replied, "We did our jobs. Every day. Because the alternative was unthinkable."

I think that's good advice for us to stick with now It's certainly not easy to do, as my own reaction to yesterday proves. But it's what we have to do.

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Recently reading Carl Jung’s comments on how Hitler came to power (Jaffe, A. 1923). People think of a man like this, “‘He knows. He is right, so I will blindly follow him - and absolve myself of all responsibility.’” . . . “But then along comes a man who says to everybody: “I will bear the responsibility!” And they followed the devil as far as Moscow.”

C. G. Jung quoted by Angela Jaffe

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Is it too early for a cocktail?

Also want to note that a state interpreting a constitutional beyond its applicability to the state or a state’s law really is a bridge too far.

But not to worry (yet). The presumptive GOP nominee will be working hard the next eight months to make ever clearer how unfit he is to returned to office (🤞🏻).

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I fear Biden coordinating election strategy with Congressional Democrats will cost us seats. He's going to advocate going light on Dobbs when we should be all in. Dammit!

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I don't know what news you're reading, there on Earth II where the sky is green and the grass is blue, but there is no "running light on Dobbs" going on here on Earth I.

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