Dems can’t go back to business as usual thinking with this admin. They most actively challenge everything.

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AL, Senate Dems are doing exactly that as you post. But, there is an Ice storm in DC this am but, thankfully not that other kind of 'ICE'.

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Yes, finally. This needs to be maintained (not the ice!)

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Feb 6Edited

Appreciate your newsletter, regardless of length. I know you will choose worthy things to look at in the moment. Thank you.

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Thank you David. Onward! Resist!

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Many are waiting to see if NORMAN L. EISEN's (Norm) DC Court Teams gets the Judge's signature✍🏻 on Norm's DRAFT "TRO". Norm aims to restore the "Status Quo" at the Dept of Treasury. Musk is NOT statutorily excepted from the Privacy Act & other relevant federal Law!

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Mr. Kurtz,I understand that TPM's Terms of Use is the standard Substack Inc.contract including Substack's choice of Law & choice of ADR venue which is JAMS - SF.

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Thank you for this excellent and informative letter.

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As far as I can find the NCAA has over 500,000 athletes of which less than 10 are trans, and in high school sports there are two - just to put this performance in perspective.

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Exactly. One aspect of disinformation firehosing is to obscure perspective and create space for alternate realities.

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Is a warrant to search and seize DOGEs offices impossible>

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