I will say that the WaPo article is a good example of why ire at the occasional op Ed or misleading headline is NOT a good reason for cancelling a subscription. The better response is to call the paper out on its lapses. And keep reading the interesting stuff.
The latest tRump filing in the MAL case is hilarious, as it reads like one of his campaign speeches - a relatively "mild" speech, but still...throws around terms like "illegal FBI raid at MAL", or "prosecutorial abuse", "abuse of the Presidential records Act", and on and on. His lawyering team have caught the ear and sympathy of *Judge* Cannon months ago, she's intent on slow-walking this case waaaay past the so-called May trial date while SC Smith's office is up to their eyeballs in various motions re: the DC Jan6 case. Not sure at all Smith's intentions here, but for tRump, "out of sight, out of mind" works for him.
Just a personally helpful suggestion, I am past free articles and hit paywall on NYT and WP. It would really be helpful (and less time-consuming) if you included publisher source info in your newsletter.
Sorry to rain on your parade, but all your coverage of shitty Republicans is depressing. I guess you’re proving that a competent administration isn’t very good for media’s bottom line.
The latest Cannon filing is such smarmy laughable
pikers puck. It's a prime example of her court! Kise
is rummaging through the
$$$ he got up front.
MM, NYTIMES is pricey and
WaPo's getting there. They
both have "gift" icons you
can tap into to make content
free for your audience here.
Merry Christmas and Happy
New Year, David to you, your
yourfamily and MM crew.
How did a nice guy like George Conway ever get smitten by that bimbo in the first place?
I will say that the WaPo article is a good example of why ire at the occasional op Ed or misleading headline is NOT a good reason for cancelling a subscription. The better response is to call the paper out on its lapses. And keep reading the interesting stuff.
The latest tRump filing in the MAL case is hilarious, as it reads like one of his campaign speeches - a relatively "mild" speech, but still...throws around terms like "illegal FBI raid at MAL", or "prosecutorial abuse", "abuse of the Presidential records Act", and on and on. His lawyering team have caught the ear and sympathy of *Judge* Cannon months ago, she's intent on slow-walking this case waaaay past the so-called May trial date while SC Smith's office is up to their eyeballs in various motions re: the DC Jan6 case. Not sure at all Smith's intentions here, but for tRump, "out of sight, out of mind" works for him.
Just a personally helpful suggestion, I am past free articles and hit paywall on NYT and WP. It would really be helpful (and less time-consuming) if you included publisher source info in your newsletter.
Thank you for considering my request.
I guess. Whatever the douchiest thing $CROTUS can do rest assured it will.
Sorry to rain on your parade, but all your coverage of shitty Republicans is depressing. I guess you’re proving that a competent administration isn’t very good for media’s bottom line.