That NBC "News" clickbait "poll" was 1,000 people who still have landlines and still answer the phone for unknown callers. Among the many descriptive terms that can be used for that demographic is "stupid." It also means the "poll" skewed Auld, and likely well into Faux Snooze World, where we know the economy is much worse than it was on Black Thursday in 1929.

Anyone who read the Jobs Report last Friday, which pointed out there have been 3.1 million new jobs created IN 2023 ALONE (compared with 1.6 million for all four years of Trjump's "administration") knows that one would have to live in "cloud cuckoo land" (to be polite) to think that the words "competent" and "able" can ever be used to describe anything involving the Inadequate-in-Chief.

Why don't they compare their "poll" with the Quinnipiac Poll eleased January 31, of 10,000 respondents, that has Biden leading Trump 50-42?

This is another good example of the fact that legacy linear TV "news" (and its cable associate) which are "circling the bowl" these days as they shed viewers, uses the same algorithm as FarceBook: get 'em upset and agitated and they'll come back. It would be business misconduct for them to tell people that a more accurate poll shows theirs is bullshit.

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"another negotiation in which Democrats are held hostage, negotiate against themselves, and watch Republicans walk away from the deal" hope springs eternal I guess. Also, IDGAF about the Fani Willis brouhaha. Giving it any air at all is irresponsible.

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Having a bad day David? I have noticed this air of "democrats are failing" for a while now. I am getting tired of it. How about some positive proposals to help out the hapless leadership that you seem to see.

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David, that's a pretty harsh criticism of the Democratic response to the border issue in an effort to get funding for Ukraine, Israel and Gaza. It's one thing to criticize; it's quite another to suggest realistic options. What would you have the Administration do instead of the course it has taken?

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Totally disagree with how you’ve painted Dems in disarray narrative. I see Hakeem, Chuck and Joe outsmarting Mike Johnson, with Ukraine getting funds and maybe a border deal excluded that Dems never really wanted (no path for Dreamers)

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Feb 5·edited Feb 5

Re. Fani Willis: if it were a man who had don't this he would already have been #MeToo’d, divorced, fired, sued and lectured about power imbalances. She was stupid. I only hope she can fulfill her responsibilities and not fail the country.

Re. the Democrats: they are doing the right thing. Their job is to legislate. They are trying to do that. If they took their ball and went home or spent all their time on counterspin then they would be falling into the GOP’s trap.

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SC Smith can do all the educating that he is able to summon, but *Judge* Cannon is in her own world, which - remarkably enough - shares much with tRumpworld...thus the clusterf**k that is the MAL docs "trial".

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JD Vance is disgusting and has no place in the U.S. Senate. In addition to saying he would have followed the leader rather than the constitution were he the Vice President, he also said it would be entirely OK to ignore orders of the Supreme Court.

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Well David, it's Monday and this TPM proves no news is good news. Maybe you need

another cup of coffee? I sure do.

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"One coda to all this: I do wonder whether a male prosecutor would have been tagged with the same kind of public humiliation if he had engaged in similar conduct as Willis."

One must also add, a "Black, female prosecutor", as tRump has been banging on about "the racist prosecutor" ever since he was indicted in Fulton County.

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Your one coda re Willis says it all.

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Re the Republicans’ legislative disgrace in Congress: if the GOP down ballot races in 2020 performed better than Trump, after two of years of this how can they do better than 2020?

Of course time will tell…

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