Alito is having a great time giving two middle fingers to the American people, congress and the constitution. He doesn't care because he can't be touched. "I wont recuse what are you going to do about it. He is a disgrace to the court, to the judiciary and to America and he laughs about it every day as he plots what will happen when he helps to make sure t***p is back in the WH. Oh how delicious it will be to him to stomp down all these foolish, women and minorities that think they have rights.

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Thursday 3:00 PM Eastern: Chief Justice ROBERTS just wrote a letter in the last hour refusing to meet with Senators Whitehouse & Durbin to discuss ethical COI's, conflicts (plural) of interest.

Meanwhile, JAMIE RASKIN posted a recusal pathway on the NYT platform. The pathway is outlined by TARA SUTER , a reporter at "The Hill" on 5/29/25 9:00 PM Eastern quoting JAMIE RASKIN verbatim:

"The U.S. Department of Justice --- including:

" ... the U.S. Attorney, [USAOC DC]

an appointed U.S. Special Counsel, [Special Counsel federal statute]

" and the solicitor General [ of the United States]

" ... all of whom were involved in different ways in the criminal prosecution underlying these cases and are opposing Mr. Trump's constitutional & statutory claims -- can petition of the remaining seven (7 )justices to require Justices ALITO & THOMAS to recuse themselves in cases NOT as a matter of grace but, as a matter of law."

Relying among other law, RASKIN cited the Due Process clause of the Constitution and the federal statute mandating DQ for questionable impartiality, 28 U.S.C , 455.

I would add the legal maxims for every wrong there is a remedy & fundamental fairness.

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“Donald Trump boasted about having sex with adult film star Stormy Daniels at the 2006 golf tournament where the two met, a celebrity athlete who played the tournament has said.”

Because of course he would. The permanent 14 year old had to boast. "Hey! I got all the way to home plate!"

What a pathetic piece of shit he is. No wonder all the losers in Flyover Loserville love him.

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Remember the assholes of your junior high class? The Republican party has been completely taken over by America's junior high assholes. Cruelty and pissing on decency are the long term goals. Alito and Trump are success stories!

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Waaayyyy too true! All the assholes, idiots and morons from Junior High grew up to be Trumpscum.

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We MUST secure the

presidency, the senate and

take back the house with a

healthy margine. Then we

can give Alito the slap down

he richly deserves. VOTE BLUE!

I've noticed a big up tick in

earthquakes and volcano

eruptions over the past year.

Mother Earth is ticked off as

is Mother Nature. We all

learned growing up, it's best

not to get on Mother's bad


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CITIZEN: My body, my choice!

ALITO: Nope.

MRS ALITO: If I wanna fly this flag, I'll do it.

ALITO: what ever you say, dear.

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Talk about a “conflicted” judge

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